A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W
Valuables (AN.13), 3.71a, 3.126-127

definition, Annex 7.1

economic appearance, 6.18a

valuation, 7.39

See also produced assets

Valuation (accounting rules), 1.51-56

at constant prices, 1.56

special rules, 1.54-55


c.i.f. -, 1.55, 9.30, Table 9.9

estimated -, 6.41, 13.17

f.o.b. -, 3.138-139, 9.30, Table 9.6

face -, 4.45

issue -, 5.138b

nominal -, 5.51

of a good or service, 10.12

See also indices (value)

redemption -, 5.138

transaction -, 5.134, 5.136-137

Value added, 8.11-12, 8.18, 9.23

at factor cost, 1.15, 9.24

net -, 8.153, Table 8.22

valuation, 10.27-30

Value-added tax (VAT), 9.44-45, 10.52

Value-added-type taxes (VAT) (D.211), 4.17

See also taxes on products; value-added tax

VAT. See value-added tax

Vineyards, orchards and other plantations of trees yielding repeat products (AN.11142), 6.08b, Annex 7.1

See also cultivated assets

Voting power/shares, 2.26