A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W
Health, 3.85

and social services, 3.66

costs and financing of - care, 1.18b

Hedging instruments, 2.58e, 5.66

Hire-purchase. See Annex II

Historic monuments, 6.18b

Holding corporations, 2.13e, 2.14, 2.23e, 2.40e, 2.43, 2.52a, 2.55h, 2.63b, 2.100

Holding gains/losses, 1.43, 1.46, 3.60, Annex 7.2

by type of financial asset, 6.49-57

neutral - (K.11.1), 1.46, 6.43-46, 8.57

nominal - (K.11), 1.46, 6.35-42, 8.54

real - (K.11.2), 1.46, 6.47-48, 8.59

Holdings. See holding corporations

Homogeneous branches, 2.114-117

See also classification of homogeneous branches

Homogeneous production. See units of homogeneous production

Hotel and restaurant services, 3.61

Hours worked, 11.26-31

Households (S.14), 1.28d, 2.75-86, 8.37, Table 2.1

coverage, 2.76

definition, 2.75

ESA vs. SNA, 1.25c

full sequence of accounts, A.IV.6

income, 8.33

production, 1.18f, 1.21a

reference person, 2.85

regional accounts, 13.30-34

sub-sectors, 2.77

classification criteria, 2.78, 2.85-86

Housing. See dwellings

Human capital 7.12