2.114 Definition:
The homogeneous branch consists of a grouping of units of homogeneous production. The set of activities covered by a homogeneous branch is identified by reference to a product classification. The homogeneous branch produces those goods or services specified in the classification and only those products.
Homogeneous branches are units designed for economic analysis. Units of
homogeneous production cannot usually be observed directly; data collected from the
units used in statistical enquiries have to be re-arranged to form homogeneous
Homogeneous branches may be classified in three categories:
The non-market homogeneous branches of general government producing non-market
goods and services consist of all units of homogeneous production in the
general government sector which produce non-market goods and services.
The non-market homogeneous branches of non-profit institutions serving
households consist of all units of homogeneous production in the non-profit
institutions serving households sector which produce non-market goods and services.
The homogeneous branches producing market goods and services and goods and
services for own final use consist of all units of homogeneous production of
whatever institutional sector which are exclusively engaged in the production of
market goods and services or of goods and services for own final use. The
production of market goods and services within the general government or non-profit
institutions sectors (including those intended for themselves) are treated as
units of homogeneous production and classified in an appropriate market branch.