Computer Aided Teaching
Dr. Hagen Bobzin

Makroökonomische Theorien - mit Hilfe des Computers veranschaulicht (I), in: Das Wirtschaftsstudium, 6, 2001, pp. 866-874.

Makroökonomische Theorien - mit Hilfe des Computers veranschaulicht (II), in: Das Wirtschaftsstudium, 7, 2001, pp. 1001-1009.

Computer Aided Teaching of Macroeconomic Theory.
Please take a look at the figures included in the (German)  online version to imagine what we are talking about. Nevertheless you can download the software including a precompiled LINUX or Windows version, english texts, and source code.
 makro.tgz - software for Linux (165 kB) - Software for Windows (1.2 MB)

 Installation of the software (German hints only)
 Copyright (GNU General Public License)

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