13.08 Two types of units are distinguished. First of all the local KAU for the analysis of flows occurring in the process of production and in the use of goods and services. Secondly the institutional unit to analyse flows affecting income, capital and financial transactions, other flows and balance sheets.

13.09 The local KAU is the part of a KAU which corresponds to a local unit. The local unit is an institutional unit producing goods and services or a part thereof situated in a geographically identified place (see paragraph 2.106.). Therefore, in principle the regional residence of a local KAU can be unambiguously determinated.

Regarding the transactions in relation to the production activities, it is necessary to record flows between local KAUs, which belong to the same institutional unit and are located in different regions. The ESA recommends including deliveries between local KAUs in the definition of output and this is especially important in regional accounts.

13.10 In case of institutional units two types of institutional units have to be considered in the context of regional accounts. First of all, there are uniregional units, the centre of economic interest of which is in one region and most of their activities take place in this region. Among uniregional units are households, corporations whose local KAUs are all located in the same region, local and state governments, at least part of social security and many NPIs serving households.

Secondly, there are multiregional units, the centre of economic interest of which is in more than one region. Many corporations and a number of NPIs are in this situation. To a greater extent, this is also the case for institutional units whose activities span the whole country such as central government and a small number of corporations, generally in a monopolistic or quasi-monopolistic situation, like the national railway corporation or the national electricity corporation.

13.11 All transactions of the uniregional institutional units are allocated to the region in which they have their centre of economic interest. Regarding households, the centre of economic interest is the region where they live, not the region where they work. Other uniregional units have their centre of economic interest in the region where they are located.

13.12 Some of the transactions of multiregional units cannot, strictly speaking, be regionalisabled. This is the case for most distributive and financial transactions. Consequently, balancing items of multiregional units may not be unambiguously defined at the regional level for multiregional units

13.13 One may think of allocating all transactions of multiregional units between regions according to some rules of thumb. However, this should not be considered simply as a practical approximation. It implies a conceptual adaptation of the ESA, since the reasons which prevent including a full sequence of accounts for local KAUs/industries in the central framework also forbid, in principle, completely distributing all institutional units and their accounts between regions; for this would mean, in principle, building up a full set of accounts for local KAUs.

13.14 Due to the above-mentioned considerations, the system of regional accounts is limited to:

  1. regional industry aggregates on production activities:
    (1) gross value added;
    (2) compensation of employees;
    (3) employment;
    (4) employees;
    (5) gross fixed capital formation.
  2. gross domestic product per region (GDPR);
  3. regional household accounts.