Jobs and residence
A job in the economic territory of the country is an explicit or implicit
contract between a person (who may be resident in another economic territory) and
an institutional unit resident in the country.
For measuring labour input into economic activity, only the residence of the
producer institutional unit is relevant, because resident producers alone
contribute to gross domestic product.
- jobs are included in the count of jobs in the economic territory when the
employees of a resident producer are working temporarily in another economic
territory and when the nature and duration of the activity do not warrant its
treatment as a notional resident unit of that other territory;
- jobs are excluded from the count of jobs in the economic territory when
performed for non-resident institutional units, that is, for units with a centre of
interest in another country which have no intention of being active on the
domestic territory for a year or more;
- the jobs of the staff of international organisations and those of locally
recruited staff engaged by foreign embassies are excluded from the count, since the
employing units are not resident.