Compensation of employees
For the purpose of measuring the volume of input from employee labour, the
quantity unit for compensation of employees may be considered to be an hour's work of a given type and level of skill. As with goods and services,
different qualities of work must be recognised and quantity relatives calculated for
each separate type of work. The price associated with each type of work is the
compensation paid per hour, which may vary, of course, between different types
of work. A volume measure of work done may be calculated as a weighted average
of the quantity relatives for different kinds of work, weighted by the values of
compensation of employees in the previous year or fixed base year.
Alternatively, a wage rate index may be calculated for work by calculating a weighted
average of the proportionate changes in hourly rates of compensation for different
types of work, again using compensation of employees as weights. If a
Laspeyres-type of volume index is calculated indirectly by deflating the changes in
compensation of employees at current values by an index of the average change in
hourly compensation, the latter should be a Paasche-type index.
For the purpose of measuring the real purchasing power of compensation of
employees, this flow can be deflated by an index reflecting the uses made of these
earnings. The price index normally chosen for this purpose is the implicit
deflator for individual consumption expenditure or the consumer price index.