Non-produced assets (AN.2)
Tangible non-produced assets (AN.21)
Land (AN.211)
In the capital account, expenditures on land improvements and the costs of ownership transfer on land are recorded as gross fixed capital
formation, separately from land itself.
If the value of the land cannot be separated from that of the buildings or
other structures situated on it, the assets have to be classified together on the
basis of which is likely the larger value.
In the balance sheet land is valued at its current market price.
This price does not necessarily equal the sum of all components constituting
the costs of acquiring the land at the time of acquisition. Particularly the
current market price may not cover the costs of ownership transfer or expenditures
on land improvements not already written off to zero. So it may be necessary
to enter these amounts, either completely or in part, as holding losses in the
revaluation account.