Other equity (F.513)
The sub-position other equity (F.513) consists of all transactions in other
equity (AF.513) that is all forms of equity other than those classified in
sub-positions AF.511 and AF.512, and in sub-category AF.52.
Sub-position AF.513 includes:
- all forms of equity in corporations which are not shares:
(1) the equity in incorporated partnerships subscribed by unlimited partners;
(2) the equity in limited liability companies whose owners are partners and not
(3) the capital invested in ordinary or limited partnerships recognised as
independent legal entities;
(4) the capital invested in co-operative societies recognised as independent legal
- investments by general government in the capital of public enterprises, whose
capital is not divided into shares, which by virtue of special legislation are
recognised as independent legal entities (see paragraph 2.16 c);
- government investments in the capital of international and supranational
organisations, with the sole exception of the IMF, even if these are legally
constituted as companies with share capital (e.g. the European Investment Bank);
- the financial resources of the EMI provided out of contributions by the
national central banks
- capital invested in financial and non-financial quasi-corporations
(see paragraph 2.13 f). The amount of such investments corresponds to new investments (in cash
or kind) less any capital withdrawals (see paragraph 4.61);
- the financial assets that non-resident units have against notional resident
units (see paragraph 2.15) and vice versa.