Unfunded employee social benefits (D.623)
They are (in cash or in kind), payable to their employees, their dependants or
survivors by employers administering unfunded social insurance schemes. They
typically include:
- the continued payment of normal, or reduced, wages during periods of absence
from work as a result of ill health, accident, maternity, etc.;
- the payment of family, education or other allowances in respect of dependants;
- the payment of retirement or survivors' pensions to ex-employees or their
survivors, and the payment of severance allowances to workers or their
survivors in the event of redundancy, incapacity, accidental death, etc. (if
linked to collective agreements);
- general medical services not related to the employee's work;
- convalescent and retirement homes.
Unfunded employee social benefits payable by employers to their former
employees or other eligible persons should be recorded including employers' actual social contributions, i.e. payments made by the employers for the
benefit of the persons concerned to insurers.