Other subsidies on products (D.319)
Other subsidies on products (D.319) include:
- subsidies on products used domestically: these consist of subsidies payable to
resident producers in respect of their production which is used or consumed within the economic territory;
- losses of government trading organisations whose function is to buy the
products of resident producers and then sell them at lower prices to residents or
non-residents, when they are incurred as a matter of deliberate government
economic or social policy;
- subsidies to public corporations and quasi-corporations to compensate for
persistent losses which they incur on their productive activities as a result of
charging prices which are lower than their average costs of production as a
matter of deliberate government or European economic and social policy;
- direct subsidies on exports payable directly to resident producers when the
goods leave the economic territory or the services are provided to non-residents – except repayments at the customs frontier of taxes on products previously
paid and waiving of the taxes that would be due if the goods were to be sold or
used inside the economic territory.