Time of recording
The system records flows on an accrual basis; that is, when economic value is
created, transformed or extinguished, or when claims and obligations arise, are
transformed or are cancelled.
Thus, output is recorded when produced, not when paid for by a purchaser, and
the sale of an asset is recorded when the asset changes hands, not when the
corresponding payment is made. Interest is recorded in the accounting period when
it accrues, regardless of whether or not it is actually paid in that period.
Recording on an accrual basis applies to all flows, monetary as well as
non-monetary and intra-unit as well as between units.
However, in some cases it is necessary to show flexibility as regards time of
recording. This applies in particular to taxes and other flows concerning
general government, which are often recorded on a cash basis in government accounts.
It is sometimes difficult to carry out an exact transformation of these flows
from cash basis to accrual basis. In these cases it might therefore be
necessary to use approximations. Additional to this flexibility as regards time
of recording, it was necessary for practical reasons linked to the excessive
deficit procedure to define a particular recording of taxes and social
contributions payable to the government sector, so that net lending/borrowing
of general government (and of counterpart sectors) shall not include amounts of
taxes and social contributions unlikely to be collected. By derogation to the
general principle of recording transactions, taxes and social contributions
payable to the general government can either be recorded net of the part
unlikely to be collected or, if this part is included, it should be neutralised
in the same accounting period by a capital transfer from the general government
to the relevant sectors.
Any flow should be recorded at the same point of time for all institutional
units involved and in all accounts in question. This principle may seem simple,
but its implementation is not. Institutional units do not always apply the same
accounting rules. Even when they do, differences in actual recording may occur
for practical reasons such as delays in communication. Consequently,
transactions may be recorded at different times by the transactors involved. These
discrepancies must be eliminated by adjustments.