A transaction is an economic flow that is an interaction (see paragraph 1.42.) between institutional units by mutual agreement or an action within an
institutional unit that it is useful to treat as a transaction, often because the
unit is operating in two different capacities. It is convenient to divide
transactions into four main groups:
which describe the origin (domestic output or imports) and use (intermediate
consumption, final consumption, capital formation or exports) of products
which describe how value added generated by production is distributed to
labour, capital and government, and the redistribution of income and wealth (taxes
on income and wealth and other transfers)
which describe the net acquisition of financial assets or the net incurrence
of liabilities for each type of financial instrument. Such transactions often
occur as counterparts of non-financial transactions, but they may also occur as
transactions involving only financial instruments
consumption of fixed capital and acquisitions less disposals of non-produced
non financial assets