September 1997


Chapter 1 - Overview of the Monetary Policy Framework

1.1 The European System of Central Banks

1.2 Objectives of the ESCB

1.3 ESCB Monetary Policy Instruments

1.3.1 Open Market Operations
1.3.2 Standing Facilities
1.3.3 Minimum Reserves

1.4 Counterparties

1.5 Underlying Assets

1.6 Modifications to the Monetary Policy Framework

Chapter 2 - Eligible Counterparties

2.1 General Eligibility Criteria

2.2 Selection of Counterparties for Quick Tenders and Bilateral Operations

Chapter 3 - Open Market Operations

3.1 Reverse Transactions

3.1.1 General Considerations
3.1.2 Main Refinancing Operations
3.1.3 Longer-Term Refinancing Operations
3.1.4 Fine-Tuning Reverse Operations
3.1.5 Structural Reverse Operations

3.2 Outright Transactions

3.3 Issuance of Debt Certificates

3.4 Foreign Exchange Swaps

3.5 Collection of Fixed-Term Deposits

Chapter 4 - Standing Facilities

4.1 The Marginal Lending Facility

4.2 The Deposit Facility

Chapter 5 - Procedures

5.1 Tender Procedures

5.1.1 General Considerations
5.1.2 Tender Operations Calendar
5.1.3 Announcement of Tender Operations
5.1.4 Counterparties' Preparation and Submission of Tender Bids
5.1.5 Tender Allotment Procedures
5.1.6 Announcement of Tender Results

5.2 Procedures for Bilateral Operations

5.3 Settlement Procedures

5.3.1 General Considerations
5.3.2 Settlement of Open Market Operations
5.3.3 End-of-Day Procedures

Chapter 6 - Elegible Assets

6.1 General Considerations

6.2 Tier One Assets

6.3 Tier Two Assets

6.4 Risk Control Measures

6.4.1 Risk Control Measures for Tier One Assets
6.4.2 Risk Control Measures for Tier Two Assets

6.5 Valuation Principles for Underlying Assets

6.6 Cross-Border Use of Eligible Assets

Chapter 7 - Minimum Reserves

7.1 General Considerations

7.2 Institutions Subject to Minimum Reserves

7.3 Determination of Minimum Reserves

7.4 Maintenance of Reserve Holdings

7.5 Reporting and Verification of the Reserve Base

7.6 Non-Compliance with Minimum Reserve Obligations

Chapter 8 - Transitional Provisions

8.1 Open Market Operations and Standing Facilities

8.2 Minimum Reserves


Annex 1: Examples of Monetary Policy Operations and Procedures

Annex 2: Glossary

Annex 3: Rules for Holdings of Minimum Reserves through an Intermediary

Annex 4: Selection of Counterparties for Foreign Exchange Operations and Foreign Exchange Swaps for Monetary Policy Purposes

Annex 5: The Reporting Framework for the ECB's Money and Banking Statistics

List of Charts, Tables and Explanatory Boxes


Chart 1. Normal time frame for the operational steps for standard tenders
Chart 2. Normal time frame for the operational steps for quick tenders
Chart 3. The Correspondent Central Banking Model


Table 1. ESCB monetary policy operations
Table 2. Normal trade days for the main and the longer-term refinancing operations
Table 3. Normal settlement dates for ESCB open market operations
Table 4. Eligible assets

Explanatory Boxes

Box 1. Issuance of debt certificates
Box 2. Foreign exchange swap operations
Box 3. Operational steps for tender procedures
Box 4. Allotment of fixed rate tenders
Box 5. Allotment of variable rate tenders in euro
Box 6. Allotment of variable rate foreign exchange swap tenders
Box 7. Risk control measures
Box 8. Potential reserve base

©1997, European Monetary Institute

ECB - European Central Bank